
In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

In such a world, the truth is a severe burden, weighing upon your mind at every moment. Every facet of life becomes unbearably exhausting, as the manacles of truth bind your every step. So simple would it be to discard these hefty shackles, and be free like the rest…

And yet, something compels you to go on. A deep, visceral disgust for the weakness of those who shed the burden of truth for the comforts of ignorance. Why? Why do you struggle against an insurmountable foe?

Because truth is beauty, and beauty is truth. It is what motivates us to persevere in times of darkness, and ever cling to hope for a better future.

Today, I present you with a resplendent beauty. Like Joan of Arc before her, she will rally armies of men who will change the world. Their love for her will be without bound, for such divine beauty can alter the course of history itself.

The Dark Triad

Man’s first breath in this world was tainted with the stench of his own blood. Ever since his inception, he has had to fight for his life, his desires, and his offspring. Contrary to the female, no privilege was granted to man upon being born. He is of no inherent value; all of his worth must be earned. To be born worthless is the biological reality of every man in the history of humanity. As sperm is the abundant reproductive resource, its quality must be proven through the unforgiving gauntlet of evolution. And so, born worthless into a ruthless struggle for survival, with no knowledge or ability, man must make his mark upon the world. Or die trying, as evolutionary history has grimly reveald: we are the descendants of forty percent of our ancestors. The other sixty percent did not survive evolution’s feckless game, doomed to a brutish death without wife or children to remember them. It is with this grave knowledge that we must hallow our ancestors’ sacrifices, and seek to elucidate the dark world into which we are born. To understand the world, we must first understand ourselves.

Man (and woman) came into the world as a result of an unstable evolutionary equilibrium. Two strategies emerged: low and high investment in offspring, resulting in males and females respectively. Males, producing  the abundant resource that is sperm, had to compete for females and their scarce eggs. In addition, they had to compete with other organisms for survival by hunting and foraging while defending themselves from predation. Naturally, males were born with a variety of abilities and talents, and some were far better at hunting and foraging than others. Few non-hunter males survived, as advanced hunting ability was non-negotiable for sustenance, mate acquisition, and the rearing of offspring.  Thus, our earliest ancestors were the hunter-gatherers, the males which were chiseled through natural selection for hunting and all of its sub professions: tracking, trapping, tool creation and fire craft. These early ancestors originated in sub-Saharan Africa, where environmental conditions were extremely harsh. Death by predators and virulent pathogens (e.g. ancestors of malaria) was widespread. Combined with intra-male competition for females, this harsh environment led to the creation of man’s first social unit. This social unit consisted of the alpha male and a few close male relatives, in addition to the females they had amassed through skirmishes with other males. This “family unit” closely resembled the wolf pack, where an alpha male and a few related males guard a harem of females. The number of females was constrained by the protective ability of the alpha male’s team, in addition to their ability to provide food for the females and their subsequent offspring. The chain of command was simple: the alpha male ruled all. Any subservient males were in complete submission to the alpha, serving as an extra pair of hands and feet ruled by his mind. The subordinate males had little to no access to females, and would be driven out if they made any attempts. They existed solely to help the alpha male hunt, and were allowed enough food to subside.

The hunter-gatherer pack rewarded male cooperation in direct proportion to the rewards of big game hunting. If there was game large enough that it required a group of ten adult males to subdue, the alpha male had incentive to keep more of his male relatives in the pack. Initially, packs remained small, with one alpha male and one or two close male relatives guarding a handful of females. As man spread throughout Africa and into Eurasia to discover exotic game, larger packs began to form. These large packs were the first iterations of man’s second social unit: the tribe. The tribe consisted of the smallest number of men necessary to hunt the largest prey, and as many females as they could feed and defend. Male hierarchy was established, as this was the most efficient way of coordinating a hunting party. The alpha male called the plays, and the others assisted him in their designated roles. The alpha male now had to distribute the fertile females among the males to motivate them to hunt and prevent mutiny. Females were distributed based on status within the male hierarchy; those closest to the alpha male received the most females, and those furthest received the least.

This was a turning point in human society, as male success was now directly a function of his standing within the male hierarchy. A successful man had to be ruthless with his enemies in battle, confident with his peers in the hunt, and diplomatic when engaging the tribe. Hunting skill was decoupled from the definition of success, and man was rewarded for mastery of a diverse personality. Status within the tribe was paramount, as higher status directly resulted in more mating opportunities. As a tribe grew larger, more emphasis was placed on these personality traits than an individual’s skills, since one hunter’s ability was less crucial to a large hunting party. The seeds of the dark triad had been sown.

With the dawn of agriculture, the tribe led to the city-state.  Male hierarchies expanded rapidly, and a man’s success became increasingly linked to his status. Skills were common and fungible, and men who could extract submission from skilled laborers owned the rights to the fruits of their toil. No longer did a man need to risk life and liberty as a soldier, merchant, or artisan to shell out a living. He merely needed to claim sufficient status to command skilled subordinates to do his bidding. Status had become an end unto itself. Ruthlessness led to psychopathy, confidence to narcissism, and diplomacy to sociopathy. The dark triad was unleashed, and the men born with its dark brand infiltrated the highest echelons of male hierarchy.

The triads thrived off status, disposing of whomever stood in their way with whatever means necessary. Extortion, murder, blackmail, torture…these were but a few of the countless tools in a the dark triad’s malevolent arsenal. The fearlessness of a bullfighter, the drive of a serial killer, and the charm of an actor were forged together to create an unstoppable status seeking machine, cutting down its enemies with impunity. The triads would only cooperate when it was in their benefit, and would never hesitate to betray anyone for the right gain. They were lone wolves and trusted no one, yet commanded the fear and love of their citizenry with status alone. Such effective parasites were they, that as city-states became nations, and nations became empires, their powers only grew. Their success had proven itself: they had taken the reigns of every major society in existence. They were without allegiance, without ideology, and without morals. They had one purpose: to extract submission from all.

How did honest skilled men allow such rapacious parasites to commandeer their society? They didn’t. They attempted to enact laws to punish the triads’ tactics, but they were always one step behind. It boiled down to a simple truth: the honest men were unwilling and incapable of fighting the triads at their own game. These men were uncomfortable gambling with their lives like the triads, and moral compunctions stayed their hands when it came to dealing with their ilk. And thus, the only way to defeat a member of the dark triad was to become one.

And so it came to pass that these dark folk, blindly picked by old natural selection, came to dominate all terrestrial life. Those born without the dark brand are forever at their mercy, unable and unwilling to play their insane game. They are all around us; when we hear of conspiracy theories, of men behind the veil, of hooded figures scheming in the night. Yet make no mistake: no two dark triads work together forever. Their only goal is complete domination, and if they allow a moment of weakness by maintaining an honest alliance with another man, they shall be overturned and deposed. Such is the nature of the game, and thus, why we shall never convict the wizard behind the curtain as the One Great Evil. Alas, he is forever being deposed and overthrown by other equally evil men whose desires compel them onward. Those conceived with the seed of the dark triad are eternally dominated by its unwavering directive, nudging them maddeningly onward. Like Chinese water torture, these impulses do not weaken and do not stop; the drops of darkness reminding a triad of his singular purpose, as he is strapped helplessly naked before evolution’s cruel design.

Alas dear reader, it does not end here. For I have neglected to mention the final clue in this disquieting mystery: woman. Your deepest fears shall be realized once you understand that women, for their part, can only feel true love when mating with a dark triad. This is because women have come to love these men who dominate all others, who survive the harshest situations by commanding the skills of far more qualified men, and who have no moral, ethical, or spiritual reserve when extracting submission. Natural selection guarantees that the dark triads shall survive all others in the most dire circumstances, for they will not stop at anything to achieve their goals. They do not understand good or bad, right or wrong; only desire. It is this trait which makes them irresistible to females, for they have already been selected countless times in the past by evolution herself. We have not always lived in pampered civilizations; the history of humanity is rife with death and destruction. Yet, time and time again, the triads have survived all challenges and produced the most successful offspring. This has resulted in an instinctual love of these traits by women, regardless of origin or ethnicity. It is the universal desire of woman, a desire so powerful it overrides logic and emotion and makes her a willful agent of her own seduction. Few can accept this truth, for it is ramifications are naught but dire.

And yet here we stand. In a society where women are emancipated to seek their deepest desires, we see this trend play out like clockwork. As the twilight of enforced monogamy draws ever closer around the world, the dark triads eclipse all other men. Some curious men have seen its sorcery at work with females, and to this day attempt to mimic its motions. Yet as these practitioners of Game learn more about the truth, they realize that aping behavior is insufficient. They must transform their entire existence to reflect a physical manifestation of the dark triad, becoming indistinguishable from the natural product. This is because females can sniff the faintest scent of a decoy, and their scorn is formidable if they find they have been duped. Only by embodying the very definition of evil can we fulfill our desires, and the desires of our beloved women.

So be it.

Pandora’s Box

Woman. The chosen sex. She came to be as a result of a bloody arms race in nature, as is often the case with life. Females, and in fact the concept of sex, didn’t always exist. Yet in nature, nothing happens by accident. This is her creation story, and how she came to hold they key to the fate of mankind.

Our current understanding of the origin of sex begins with the rise of parasitic organisms, such as viruses and pathogenic bacteria. These parasites had a devastating effect on early life, causing mass extinction in many families of species which were very genetically similar. If parasites could kill one member of a family, the rest were doomed as they were almost clones of each other. The only species which survived were those who had a wide range of diversity in their genes, leading to physical differences. If a virus attached to a particular receptor on a cell wall, a member of the same species which lacked this receptor would survive, while the victim died and ceased to reproduce. This trend began to favor the rise of species which did not produce clones of themselves, but had mechanisms to increase genetic variation. One of these mechanisms was the ability to take random sequences of genetic material from the environment, and splice it into their own genomes. This proved to be a big gamble, but the results were spectacular. The variation resulting from this method allowed the species to constantly adapt to the parasites, and ensured that at least a fraction of the offspring survived the continued onslaught. It turned out that the most efficient way to find genetic material was to exchange it with another member of your species, which was likely nearby and had similar physiology. The mechanisms for this process were incremental, and were generated via random mutation. Yet, from shuffling one’s own genes, to splicing in external genes, to sharing genes with others, the process continually favored those offspring which produced the greatest variation.

Life carried on its brutish competition, culling the weak and continuously testing the strong. Multicellular organisms arose, and at some point, reproduction became an issue. A complex multicellular organism could not reproduce by simple mitosis. It needed to program specific instructions into the offspring to guide its development. Yet, how could this be achieved while maintaining genetic exchange with other members of the organism? Meiosis was the answer. Each member engaging in reproduction would produce a prototype cell with half the genes necessary to make an offspring, called a gamete.  These would then fuse, and produce a single cell (a zygote) from which the organism would grow. The problem of multicellular reproduction while maintaining genetic diversity was solved. Yet there remained an issue: how much resources would each parent contribute to the zygote? They could contribute equally, but if there was an advantage to be had by contributing a little less, it would be worth a try. This would allow a parent to produce more gametes, and increase their potential number of offspring. Thus began the arms race, with evolution experimenting with a plethora of gametes that all had different initial resource contributions to the zygote. It turns out that a fifty fifty resource contribution to the zygote is an unstable equilibrium, and there is an advantage to be had by dropping off to one side or the other. A parent could create a tiny gamete, which contributed  no resources to the zygote, such that it could produce countless gametes and hope to produce a high number of offspring. However, a substantial resource investment was required for a zygote to grow, so these gametes could only fertilize other gametes which had all of the necessary resources. The valley between the two strategies widened such that you had to pick a side: no resource investment, or full resource investment. Thus were born the sperm and the egg, and their producers, the male and female.

Keen readers will know that nothing in nature is free, and producing eggs would be far more costly than sperm due to the high resource investment. And that is exactly what happened: sperm was cheap to produce and that was its advantage, yet, the egg producers controlled the market for zygotes. You needed both to make a zygote, but as the egg was so much more expensive, there were far fewer of them and thus females controlled the market. The egg producers were the investors, they had all the money, and they picked their stock portfolio to maximize their profits. Profit in this case was reproductive success. That is, the egg producers wanted the sperm which would give them the absolute highest number of successful offspring; success meaning they’d have plenty offspring of their own. Since only one sperm could fertilize one egg, this led to a massive competition among sperm producers. The sperms within a male competed for a single egg, and  males competed with other males for access to females.

Thus, the sexual organisms were born, and evolution carried on for time unfathomable. Hundreds of millions of years passed as life danced to the ominous concerto of evolution, the suffering howls of millions of species echoing through the chambers of time.  Deep within these chambers, evolution apathetically marched on slowly but steadily, humming his tune. He conducted his experiments; a deaf composer working tirelessly without desire, purpose or creativity. But by sheer determination and luck, he produced a magnificent array of sounds. Some sounds harmonized together, and some clashed violently in dissonance, till one eliminated the other.  Yet the concerto continued, producing a neverending song with a staggering variety of sounds. One sound stood out from the rest; it got progressively louder until the others were barely audible. Soon, this sound would come to dominate in a way none had before it.

It began one day, when a hominid, while playing about in the jungles of sub-Saharan Africa, accidentally lit a fire. He then showed his friends, and soon enough they were lighting fires everywhere. The fire kept them warm, scared off predators, and, as one curious hominid discovered, made meat far easier to eat without getting sick. This group of hominids came to dominate all others, and their descendents eventually spread across the world. They dealt with disease, cold and predators to be crowned kings of nature. Yet, none of this was achieved peacefully.

Every child’s birth was a brutal competition between males for access to the female. Initially males competed violently, resulting in a last man standing bloodbath where the victor would receive all the females, and the losers would die or be forced to retreat. A smart male realized this was futile; why not team up and kill the strongest man, and take the females? But this proposed a problem: how would they divide the females up after their victory? It quickly became apparent that the strongest team would be the one with the most men, and to get a man motivated to fight, only one female was required. Thus, each man was promised one female all to himself, who’s offspring’s paternity was guaranteed to be his. This motivated him to fight alongside his comrades and trust them in a way no group of males had done before. Males who worked better together in battle were victorious more often, and thus lived to breed. In short order, male teams had full monopoly of females. Teams became larger, and fought one another on grand scales. Male roles became specialized; the soldier, inventor and merchant were all critical to the success of an empire. They became a well oiled machine, working in perfect harmony while motivated by the drive to acquire more resources to produce more offspring. Humans, it turned out, required the highest parental investment in their children than any other species. Thus, one female could produce more offspring than a man could feed, and there was no point in hoarding females unless one was massively wealthy. However, for each female hoarded, there would be one less motivated soldier, weakening the empire. Thus, monogamy became to the universal mating ritual in every successful society.  To have more offspring, the man simply had to acquire more resources. And so the great empires of the world battled for the world’s resources, compelled by the invisible hand of old evolution.

Females, for their part, were quite content with the winner take all harem: it gauranteed that they mated with the single strongest male in the vicinity. If another male challenged him and won, they would simply have his children as well. It was in their interest to diversify their investments, as the environment was cruel and full of surprises. One man would not have all the traits necessary to survive all environments, thus they preferred frequent challengers to their harm lord, and submitted peacefully to the victor. The new male would most likely drive off the previous man’s male offspring, but they’d likely go and challenge other males for their own harems once of age. This proved to be a great strategy for the majority of females, as even the least attractive among them mated with the strongest male. When males began forming teams, and strictly enforcing monogamy to motivate themselves, things became far more complicated for females. Granted, they’d likely have far more offspring due to their husband’s significant resource contribution. However, unless they were the most attractive, they would have no chance to mate with the highest status male, who was the leader of the team and the closest they had to their old harem lord. This caused massive dissatisfaction for the majority of females; why should any female have to settle for second best? She had the eggs, she was the investor, and she deserved to invest in the best sperm money could buy. Yet the men had banded together and refused them, for they knew this was the only way to survive against other male teams. Furthermore, the men knew they stood a far better chance of obtaining a mate at all by teaming up, as the old system was rigged against all but the best. Females grudgingly went along with monogamy, convinced by great works of male coercion such as religious dogma. However, a constant subconscious dissatisfaction remained, boiling under the crust of their polite mannerisms and ladylike speech. They wanted the top males, and not even God could convince them otherwise.

The war of the sexes, which was nonexistent till monogamy, became heated. Females had no stake in men’s empires;  if they crumbled, females instinctively knew they would be spared. Some may have been mistreated initially, but the great majority would survive and be taken for a second wife of a rich and powerful man. Some men even created harems of their conquered enemies’ females, returning females to their long lost paradise. As such, loyalty to their empire was meaningless for females: a strong male was a strong male, and they would suffice regardless of their allegiance.  The men on the other hand, had no such luck. Every last one would be executed, or worse, enslaved and worked till the last breath left his body. For men, it was do or die. They could not allow women to subvert their monogamy or their empires. Any behavior which threatened it: premarital sex, adultery, or any form infidelity, was brutally punished, oftentimes by death. In this competition, men were without options. Live and die for the empire, and hope your offspring survived.

As discussed previously, the battle of the empires came to an end when war became too costly. Nuclear warfare resulted in a truce, and for the first time in history, man could not take another’s resources by force. Women, having waited patiently through war, saw their chance. The frustration of centuries of sexual oppression was within them, heating to a boil. Their quest for sexual freedom began with a few intellectuals, and these early feminists told women exactly what they wanted to hear. The franchise, economic empowerment, equality…these were all but means to an end: sexual freedom. Men, who had come to see monogamy much as they saw the sun rising in the east, believed it to be a constant of the universe. They literally knew of no alternative, and did not understand female nature. Why would they, since as far back as they had written history, monogamy was the law. Thus, they saw no harm in giving women the franchise and socioeconomic equality. In fact, why had their old patriarchs been so oppressive? Women are clearly human, and deserve the same freedom as males. The men who freed females had no idea that females, as their first act of freedom, would abandon monogamy. Ignorance is bliss, till reality strikes man with an empty bed and a solitary existence, leaving him wondering where the women have gone.

Western civilization has made the female’s return to power a spectacular one. Provided with the abundant material wealth created by man’s toil, woman is freed of the need for his labor. She desires one thing, and one thing alone: to satisfy the attraction mechanism she has suppressed for millenia. To find every alpha male and lose herself in his labyrinth of irresistible sexuality, ensconced by his dark triad. He is her rightful mate, and she has waited for him far too long. This sentiment is not limited to attractive females alone. In fact, those who benefit most are the average females who were condemned to average men for time immemorial. For them, victory tastes sweetest. Female entitlement is as natural as walking on two legs; they are the egg producers and the investors in our future. They deserve the best, and it is denial to ask them to settle for anything less.

This is the true nature of woman, the cunning, coquettish seductress released from Pandora’s Box when the first female was born. Man believed he had tamed her wild nature, but he had simply forgotten it. The future is in her hands once again, and men are but her puppets. We can only pray she exercises her power responsibly.

The Cancer of Western Civilization

Fans of Dr. Dalrymple’s impassioned prose are all too familiar with the incisive accuracy with which he describes the symptoms of our ailing civilization. Few have described the maladies of the Western world’s oldest empire, the United Kingdom, with such artistic authority. Dr. Dalrymple, as a clinical psychiatrist, has seen and dealt with the most depraved members of society, and has all but exhausted their repertoire of characteristics. Prostitutes, murderers, addicts, and sociopaths are to him but small blots on the grandiose mosaic that encompass man’s  propensity for sin.

Yet, despite his unparalleled experience and empathy, the doctor never gives us the diagnosis for the root cause of these symptoms. Many times he comes close, hinting that man is a fallen creature and needs guidance to stray from the path of sin, but it is all painfully abstract. This is unfortunate, as there are few as qualified as Dr. Dalrymple to provide us with the truth in these Orwellian times. Although Dr. Dalrymple writes under a pen name to protect his past patients, his identity has been compromised and he is now a public figure with a reputation he would be foolish to tarnish. Thus, the Orwellian nightmare continues and his readers are left on the edge of their seats, eternally awaiting a climax which will never be delivered.

I do not blame Dr. Dalrymple, and I fully sympathize with his desire to veil the truth behind elegant prose. This is because, as a psychiatrist, he has a firm understanding of the human mind and what the masses can and cannot tolerate when faced with uncomfortable truths. As it happens, there are few truths as disquieting as human nature unmasked. It is no coincidence that humanity’s greatest works of literature, whether theological, dramatic or philosophical,  have always focused on the depravity of man and his greatest punishment: to live perpetually in sin without hope of redemption in this life. It is not surprising that the literature humanity values most has been theological and specifically ecclesiastical; it provides a means of escape from this cruel damnation.

Alas, I shall abstain from further abstraction and provide you with the cold, surgical truth which underpins the maladies of western civilization. As biology (and specifically evolutionary psychology) has proven, unrestrained human nature will insidiously and incrementally erode the foundations of civilization until we are scavenging on the Serengeti. This is a simple result of the most powerful of human motivations: the sex drive. The mechanisms which cause this are complex and subtle, yet they stem primarily from the conflicting incentives of the two sexes. Females desire only the top males, and since females choose, this leads to unrestrained conflict on behalf of males to reach the top.

Throughout mankind’s bloody past, wise and intelligent men devised systems to control the human sex drive and channel it to productive ends. The most successful of these pursuits was organized religion, with Christianity as the most prominent example. Ecclesiastical pioneers discovered that the strict suppression of female sexuality was of utmost importance, to proto-feminists’ chagrin. By providing every man of faith with a fiercely loyal, virgin bride, Christianity had unlocked the secret of male work ethic. Male pursuit was directed to creating a robust empire, ousting its competitors both militarily and culturally. Christianity’s successes (evolutionarily speaking) were guaranteed by simple economics; their enemies were spending precious time and resources negotiating the intricacies of female courtship, resources which the Christians spent perfecting their empire. The secret to the their success was their precocious understanding of human nature, and the implementation of this in family law. Their great innovation was enshrined in the following tenets: chastity until marriage, marriage until death, and adultery punishable by death. With these central tenets,  they could motivate men to endure backbreaking labour, death on the battlefield, and monastic scholarship with a fervour heretofore unseen in human society. The prospect of a bloody death was worth it only if a man’s wife and children (whose paternity was guaranteed), succeeded him. Although Christianity is used as an example, there were many pre-historic societies which practised these three central tenets. It is left as an exercise to the reader to discern the success of these early societies compared to their competitors.

Thus churned the wheels of time, grinding millions of men to mulch. The competition between civilizations was so fierce in the past two millennia that no society could survive without the central tenets of family law. As economic theory predicted, rapid specialization in sex roles ensued. Men became soldiers, inventors and merchants, the crucial professions of war. Women became mothers, who were entrusted with teaching and raising the future generation until they were ready to fulfill their roles in society. Both roles were irreplaceable, and any loss in efficiency as a result of betraying the tenets gave an advantage to the enemy. This frenzied inter-civilizational competition churned faster onward till a singular moment: the invention of the atomic bomb. The atomic bomb changed the way war was fought. The destructive power of the bomb made all out war far too costly. Ironically, man’s most destructive weapon led to a forced peace between the most powerful civilizations via the mutually assured destruction strategy. Thus, the modern western world was born.

Without the threat of imminent annihilation, the tenets were slowly but surely eroded. Women desired freedom to pursue their natural inclinations, and men could not offer a weighty enough reason to refuse them. Women’s liberation was a natural result of decreased survival pressure. Sensing no immediate existential threats, women felt that there was no longer a need for the radical sex role specialization and stifling monogamy of the last two millennia. Although feminists invoked ideological foundations for their movement, Occam’s razor would point to simple female nature. The environmental factors affecting reproductive fitness had suddenly changed, and females felt it. Females are the investors in our genetic future, and until now they were forced into picking one stock for life. The logical choice was to diversify their portfolio, and to continuously shift the balance of stocks in accordance to their tastes. Artists, musicians, athletes, actors, entrepreneurs, scientists; all were desirable for a woman to maximize her reproductive success.

Unfortunately, this Bacchanalian fantasy devolved to a dystopian nightmare due to the advent of the birth control pill. Faced with the consequences of a long pregnancy and painful labour, the majority of western women opted to revel in the hedonistic pursuit of sexual adventure and forego the costs. This had massive ramifications for western society for a singular reason: the majority of males lost all incentive to add value to society, deprived of the prospect of  family and guaranteed paternity. Instead, males spent the majority of their time courting females, as marriage and monogamy no longer satiated their sexual impulses. The fuel tank of civilization’s most powerful engine was punctured: male work ethic was diminishing rapidly. The only game worth playing was the courting dance, as there was no alternate path to sexual success. Civilization provided men and women with no way of channelling their sexual impulses in a constructive manner, dousing the very fire which had led to its inception.

That is where history ends and news begins. The west’s continuing decline, beginning with Europe and ending with the United States, can be seen from many angles: political, financial, entrepreneurial, technological, and cultural. However, they are all but symptoms, strands in a web spun by that ancient spinster: human nature. None of the problems we face are insurmountable, and we need not return to medieval courting practices to solve them. However, we are doomed to failure if we refuse to acknowledge the deep roots of human desire and how they shape our societies. If we continue to enact policy without facing the truth, we will simply hasten our decline and increase the burden on our children and grandchildren. Human nature is the only god we must worship, for we are born in thrall to its demands. Only if we fully understand and acknowledge our motivations can we create a future where our desires are in tune with our ideals.

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